Who we are

Delight in the children looking.  Michael and Emily would look at everything and when I watched them, I looked at the world with fresh eyes.  I always strive to retain this childlike wonder when I look at color and form.  Emily is deeply involved in the shape of the leaf.

An example of human created ecosystem by accident. Is it an accident?

These sundew plants are growing on an old dock in the very end of dog cove. An example of human created ecosystem by accident. Is it an accident? Or are we less than we think they are, part of the planet as worms and snails are? Meat-Eating Plants Getting “Full” On Pollution Carnivorous plants in […]

Light Perspective

There is something different about the sky when the light is fading in early summer over the ocean.  Sky and water meet. Broken fences soon to be lost under the shifting sands… late June sunset, serenity.

Snowed in

I’m snowed in its March 25 in Tennessee and I can’t get off the hill and that means I’m not going to be able to get to school —

This was in my head this morning

‘You are old, Father William’ (1865) Lewis Carroll “You are old, Father William,” the young man said, “And your hair has become very white; And yet you incessantly stand on your head – Do you think, at your age, it is right?” “In my youth,” Father William replied to his son, “I feared it might […]

8: Image

This piece is by Jim Arendt. It is in process. we are both at a tactility forum :

7: Looking through

I saw a challenge of a topic of looking through and I thought the idea was fascinating I couldn’t find the challenge again but I still like the idea of the photo

4: Pillow by Kenneth

When my son was in elementary school he sewed the small pillow in the center of this composition for me for Mother’s Day . The sunlight on it this morning struck me with such a memory of him when he was small

I am teaching myself to hand stitch silk.

It is a slow process for me. The wool is much more forgiving. But I like the look of the line of the handstitched better it seems like the sewing machine just destroys this delicate fabric. The stitch scarves are inspired by Boro. much of it is repurposed and vintage silk .

Elbow’s Hill

I finally went to the top of “our” (elbow and I) hill today. I miss her but will love another doggie when she comes to me.

Penland class photo


I was reminded of Desiderata today.

Desiderata Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story. Avoid loud and […]

Wood and fringed polygala

Sculptures that my dad created over a period between 1987-now, and fringed polygala. You can read about polygala here. My last walk with my father, we searched for and found fringed polygala on Squam Lakes conservation land. He loved the land and the earth and his work and life were testimonials to his belief in […]