Have you ever heard of an underground forest?

Underground Forest. Photo credit Rachel Sussman Oldest Living Things. 13,000 year old. Dwarf mobola(and others) Latin parinari capensis These woody plants hide underground!!! This plant structure in South Africa has adapted to its fire prone environment in an amazing way. Many species that live in the bushveld ecoregion here have grown thick bark that will […]

An example of human created ecosystem by accident. Is it an accident?

These sundew plants are growing on an old dock in the very end of dog cove. An example of human created ecosystem by accident. Is it an accident? Or are we less than we think they are, part of the planet as worms and snails are? Meat-Eating Plants Getting “Full” On Pollution Carnivorous plants in […]

Green: The Color and the Cause

This exhibit opens this weekend in Washington, Dc. I have a piece, Dry Pitcher, in it. If you are near the area, I wish you would go! I dont think I will be able to make it there.