12 of 12 for October 2011

twelve and twelve for October. My family was up at Squam and I was here in Stony Creek. So 900 miles apart twelve and twelve!

12 of 12 for July 2011

This was a quiet day at my folks house in Sudbury, just enjoying their company and doing ordinary things.


Mistaking the transient for the permanent, the impure for the pure, pain for pleasure, and that which is not the self for the self: all this is avidya, lack of spiritual knowledge.

106 on the hill

This is the house across the street. We are moving here and I hope to turn the other one into a studio. The landlord really wanted us to move into this one because he wanted someone who would take care of it.

Bottom of The Hill — 2009

Barn at the bottom of the hill

I walk past this red barn at the bottom of the hill by my house.  My studio is past this, I turn a corner onto the road below, and walk back to just below my house at the bottom of the hill. Every time I walk from the house to the studio there are new […]